Cryo & sleep


Sleep is critical for survival, just as important as oxygen, food and water also are. A good night’s sleep is just as important for your health as eating a healthy diet and incorporating exercise into your daily life. As a population, we are sleeping less than in the past. Multitudes of studies have proven that sleeping quality has also decreased. There is an evident need for better sleep routines and sleeping hours for many of us.

Some of the most common causes of sleep deprivation within today’s society includes shift work, travel, illness, poor sleeping patterns, medication and an array of technological devices such as mobile phones and computers due to the blue light that is emitted.

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How can Cryo improve sleep?

Exposure to extreme and cold temperatures triggers the body to release the hormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine helps to promote feelings of relaxation which essentially works as a mild sedative to produce feelings of tiredness. Norepinephrine further helps to provide a clear mind, allowing for a more soundful and well rested sleep.

Cryotherapy works to diffuse inflammation and chronic pain within the body, helping to improve pain, which can be a main cause of great discomfort and restlessness at night. Cryotherapy can aid the body in accessing an essential amount of REM, light and deep sleep, which in return restores, refreshes, and energises the body. 

So, why cryotherapy? It is a natural and toxic free process that utilises the body’s own natural abilities. It is a safe and reliable sleep remedy that can work to improve a number of factors that increase not only sleep, but also individual’s general quality of life. Cryotherapy approaches health holistically, so instead of providing a temporary fix to sleeping problems, it helps to relieve the reasons for which falling asleep and accessing deep sleep may be made difficult.

Why is sleep important?

Sleep assists in: